Save the date! you’ve been invited to ceapac community social event!
Expect to connect with like minded people around the community! Dance , share / inspire others with your pole skills or come and test out the pole if you’ve never tried it. It’s a great opportunity to step into the studio for the first time & check out what ceapac is about. Bring a friend ❤️
We strive to keep the studio inclusive so when we say anybody is welcome we mean anyBODY!
Mocktails & small snacks will be offered to fuel your night of dancing & fun.
We have a couple groups games planned if any participants are interested.
Pole attire is recommended:
shorts, leggings , grippy leggings, PLEASERS , knee pads.
Please keep in mind if you are new to the studio and pole a liability waiver will be required.
Reminder: If you are not a certified/insured pole instructor please reframe from teaching others. Instructors will be available for any guidance and assistance.
Code of Conduct:
Be respectful and mindful of your & everyone’s space and physical safety.
Be kind and share equipment with others.
Refrain from attempting new skills or skills beyond your level.
No teaching allowed. Ask an instructor for help.
Do not spot other participants. Ask an instructor for a spot.
CEAPAC reserves the right to remove participants from the event that violate the above code of conduct or are deemed to be a safety risk.
How to Register:
Some door tickets may be available however, event will have limited capacity so pre-register to secure your spot.
A minimum donation of $5 per person is required to register. Donations will go towards covering CEAPAC’s overhead for the event.
To donate via e-transfer, please send the amount to
or donate via paypal here: